My cute friend did this on her blog... and I needed
something to blog,
so let's give it a shot.
I'm supposed to say 11 things about me
and then answer 11 questions.
i tried to give more strange answers than my typical ones
i love lipstick.
i don't think you will EVER meet a girl with as many
tubes of it as me.
I'll count tonight :)
i love to sing.
i sing in my car. to my friends. on stage. and i sing
random thoughts/words
when i'm really cold and i get it my car i make this
brrrr sound
but it's more like a high pitched brrrr sing squeel.
i look just like my dad.
we once had to find pictures of our
parents when they were our age...
slap long hair on him and you got me
curves and all.
if i can make it or do it myself... i
wont pay for it
i'm very independent and will do it
i 'm feisty.
VERY feisty.
don't believe me?
ask my guy friends, they will "lovingly" say
its true.
i DO NOT tolerate being treated like crap, and i'll tell
you if youre being a jerk
this girl stands up for herself.
i love clothes. i love shoes.
way WAY more than i should
i may love lipstick, clothes, and getting all dolled
but, nothing beats being outside.
i love rzr's and fourwheelers and lots of mud.
i love taking my brother helo out on dates.
he is the best 6 yr old date ever
he always says thank you, tells me what a wonderful
dinner it was,
and makes sure to let me know what number of date it was.
he makes sure to let my boyfriends know that he's
gone on 5 dates with me.
i love him.
My family means the world to me.
my mom is my best friend. i tell her
and my big sister is my mom when mom
can't be there.
how grateful am i to have such a big
family full of tons of
grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles,
moms, dads,
sisters and brothers
my big family is a blessing in my
i dont speak another language..
but in 9th grade i learned how to say
"you have 60 seconds to live, goodbye"
in french...
i can still remember it to this day.
here are the questions:
1. In a perfect world,
where do you see yourself in 10 years?
married. with a few kids.
living in a cute home with
sweet diy stuff from me!
2. What makes you tick?
strange question. i dunno.
i love the church. i'd definately be lost with out it
3. Favorite season? For
fall for sure.
4. Night owl or early bird?
sleep and i have a very
intimate relationship
we go to bed early and get
up late :)
i rock the 11 o'clock hour
5. Favorite Author?
don't read enough to answer
this question :)
6. Favorite Holiday
fourth of july.
my family used to see who could make the loudest ground
bloom bomb.
i always win.
7. Peaches or Nectarines?
8. What color is your
toothbrush Do you dance?
toothbrush-purple and white
dance- all the freakin time. i look drunk. haha but i'm
havin a good time.
9. What is the number one
quality you seek for in a companion?
i have a few.
solid testimony
treats me well
is as far from gay as he
can get
10. What is your most
cherished possession?
my pictures.
i have a deep love for
they are used to remeber
the good things in life...
and i love focussing on the
good things in my life.
11. If you could follow
anyone around for a day without them knowing who would it be?
rain check on this...
i have no idea.