Monday, October 22, 2012


Welp.  Changes again!  YAHOO!!!
I am humbled and so excited.
Can't wait to serve the sisters in my ward:)
But, on a different note I have decided I'm done being shy.
That's right, I'M DONE!!!
There is really no sense in it.
Why be nervous to talk to someone, for fear of striking out?
When in reality if you try and they think you're crazy, they don't deserve you.
I'm excited that in a month I'm going to hit the ripe old age of 23!
I have a few goals.
I want to be to my goal weight... 10 more I got this.
Or at least goal "size" weight doesn't matter.
I want to talk to guys and start the conversation.
No more shy.
If they don't like you they don't like you.
SUCKS to be them, cuz I rock
I want to strengthen my testimony A LOT.
It needs some work.
I want to go on a vacation :)
NYC - June is too far away
I want to be less judgemental.
I need to see people through spiritual eyes.
Not worldy.
I''m sure I'll have more later. 
But bring on 23 and single.

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