Thursday, October 11, 2012

Changing Seasons. Changing Life.

The seasons in Pocatello are well, kind of a joke. 
One week it's 80 and sunny
and the next day the top of my car is covered in frost
and the heater in my apartment is out.   
Well, that is exactly what happened this last week.  
 I love fall. 
I'm so excited for boots
and sweaters,
and hot chocolate,
and snuggling in blankets watching movies! 
But that cold weather is just like BAM I'm here! 
Just like the seasons in Pocatello, things in my life seem to change just as fast.
I don't get it really.
Why in life do things seem to be perfect...
and then you've gone engagement ring shopping with your man,
picked the one you want.. and then your single.
Things change fast.  And it really does suck.
They say when life throws you lemons make lemonade.
Well I was thrown shi* and I'm making me a pie!
It hurts, but I can't apologize. 
I gave my all in a relationship i was so excited about.
I thought for sure it would last forever (obviously I picked a ring)
and i thought he felt the same too.
But you can't regret giving your all.
It hasn't exactly helped my take on how I feel about relationships at the moment.
But not much does.
I'm the queen of bad luck.
I guess I just fall for the same type of people over and over.
i. have. to. stop.
Onward and upward. 
That's all you can do.

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