Monday, July 9, 2012

5 days.

Well I'm in just one of the best moods, because, I had 5 days off in a row!  Now I love my job, but that big of a break is heavenly!  And to top it all off, it was the 4th of July!  Just in case family is reading, I'll fill you in on my week.

Tues night: 
My friends and I drove to West Yellowstone to watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at Playmill.  It was a lot of fun!  We just drove up right after work, and came home right after, getting me to bed around 2
4th of July!!!  I watched the parade, played games with my family, sat outside, and went to the world's most awkward BBQ... no lie.  I didn't know these people, but my whole family went.  And the lady did not. stop. talking.  If her poor friends only knew what she had spouted out about them before they got there.....
It was gloomy outside. I remember that!  But I went and got ice cream with a friend I haven't seen in a LONG time, and watched The Lucky One for the 2nd time.  I'll hand it to him... Zac Efron is hot in that movie. 
I hung out at my moms.  I didn't really do much else.  We sat around talked, and watched some reruns of Face Off.  She hadn't seen that show, and I thought she should.   I love it. Then I went home in time to get a text from a friend who I haven't hung out with in a long time. So we went on a date. Got frozen yogurt, tried to show him how funny Big Bang Theory is, and he fixed my stove! Life saver. 
 I had lunch with my friends, and then went to my big sisters to finish some planning of her baby shower (for which I came up with the best theme, and invitations.  EVER.)   Then I babysat my little niece while her parents went out.  We watched puppy movies (Bolt, and Lady and the Tramp) in our pajamas, with popcorn.  She found my air popper a little scary.  She wasn't too sure what to think about it.
Church.  And then more Face Off with my family.  Then I go home to 2 movies I've been wanting to see waiting for me in my mailbox! My friends are so good to me.
And then, it's back to work.  But isn't it so nice when you have vacation and don't do much.  Sometimes that's just exactly what you need!  I didn't run around, didn't spend money.  And I was so well rested I actually got out of bed on time.  Yup, that's right.  The hair is done today!  Haha I even was awake before the alarm went off.  Feelin' Good!  And that's saying something when I HATE mornings, and was awake by 6am :) 

Hope all of you enjoyed your 4th!

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