Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Well. New Year. New start.
I guess my new start wasn't how I had planned.
I can say that 2013 has been hell...
and we're only 9 days in.
On January 1st at 8:00pm  I was smelling smoke bad in my apartment.  Not Cigarette smoke, it was a little off.  Knowing that my neighbors are bad smokers and constantly lied about not smoking in the house, I called my property manager, like I did to complain about the smoke about once a week.  They weren't supposed to smoke in the house or near the house.  I complained, and said I was very concerned.  My apartment was hazey and the upstairs neighbors had all of their windows covered in cardboard boxes.  The property manager called to talk to them, and they informed her that they were out of town, and their friends were staying there and watching their house (she forgot to say they just got out of prison a few days ago).  When I asked the property manager to go and investigate herself she refused.
On January 2nd and 4:30am (a few hours before the smoke incident) I was woken up to a very loud sound, like a gunshot, or breaking down a door.  That was followed by the most blood curdling screams I have ever heard.  This was all happening above my head, while I'm in my basement apartment.  I could hear people running back and forth screaming.  I was petrified.  I live alone, and I'm a girl. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed 911.  As soon as I could hear people not on the same side of the house as my door I grabbed my pillow and snuck out to my car. I went to my parents house and decided I would stay there for a few days.  Later that day around 3:30 pm I had a phone call from one of my neighbors grand-daughters who is in my ward.  She said that her grandmother say 3 people get arrested that morning after drug dogs were taken through the house....

I stayed at my moms the next night and Thursday night I decided to brave my apartment.
I spoke to my landlord and decided I would move.  But after he told me that they had been evicted, I decided to stay upon condition of who lived upstairs...Well. I should have moved. I wanted to move but the idea of moving stressed me out.  Well Friday I decided to visit friends out of town.  I left Friday night at about 8:30pm and came home at 10:00pm on Saturday.

I walked in noticed the smell of smoke was way worse than usual.
I looked in my living room and noticed things weren't were I left them.
Then I noticed the TV was gone, and then my laptop, my camera, my stereos, and the piano keyboard my grandparents gave me.  Then I looked up past my living room and saw my room.  It was completely turned upside down.  Clothes were everywhere.  Then I realized that my dresser was empty.  None of the clothes in the dresser were in my room.  My snow boots were gone, my riding boots, my new asics I bought for the gym... all gone.  I had emptied out my car that day and brought in some bags of scrap fabric from my pillows... and they took those too.  I had ordered a pair of boots online with my birthday money, and they were delivered Saturday. I found the amazon box in the dumpster.  I never even got to see the boots in person before they were stolen.  I immediately called the police and reported a theft.  I then called my parents.  They raced over.  The police showed up.  There were two officers which I found odd (one with a waxed mustache that I couldn't look away from).  I asked why there were two and they said that knowing who they were dealing with upstairs, they would need back.  great. They took my name and information down, asked what was missing and walked through my apartment. Took pictures and asked lots of questions.  I told them how the people upstairs were constantly asking me for things, or to borrow things, and always asking if they could have some of my hand me down clothes.  The police discovered that they broke in through the laundry room door by pulling the pins out, but couldn't get fingerprints off of the door.  I gave them the serial numbers for things missing (the numbers I have) and then they informed me that they had been watching the upstairs for a few weeks now because they were drug dealers.  They were very big druggies. And the police told me that I needed to move so they couldn't find me.  They then went to go upstairs and speak with them.  They didn't answer the door.  Why would they?!  And that's where it ends. They did nothing else.  I'll never see my stuff again, and I'm out lots of money.  I can't replace everything, it's either replace or go to new york in june... and I've already bought the plane tickets.

I understand stealing electronics and things of value. 
But, my clothes?
That's so personal, and so frustrating.
I feel extremely violated.
I hope they enjoyed shopping in my house.
I guess if you need it more than me, I'm glad you have it.

I found a new apartment. 
It's more expensive but I feel more safe there.
New apartment, new clothes, new tv, new year.

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