Monday, December 5, 2011

Unexpected Fame

SOOO, you probably can't call it fame, but here's the story.

Once upon a time...

This past summer, I had the oppurtunity of going to Mack's Inn Playhouse to perform for the summer. I had some amazingly fun roles, and am so happy I took the oppurtunity.  Now, this playhouse is for laughter. We don't put on serious shows, we will do just about anything to get a laugh.  And that's what makes it so fun!  Well, there are a few other theaters up in the area that perform for the summer.  All the others put on straight shows.  And since ours is different, the cling-on that goes on the window outside of the theater does not have our pretty head shots on it.  We all take a silly picture and that is what is placed on the outside of the theater. Mine was SWEET! It was my classic silly face, and I didn't realize how big of an impression it had on people!  One night I was in the kitchen of the theater and I saw people trying to mimic my picture, they were all laughing, and since this is the type of theater where you can embarrass people, I decided to call the family out on making fun of my picture.  I found out that one of their daughter's names is Whitney as well.  I laughed, and thought that was the end of it.  Well, today I was looking up the phone number for the Mack's Inn Post Office to see if my missing birthday card from my dad went there...  I googled Mack's Inn and who would have thought that this would have popped up!! 

This is Whitney, making fun of, me, Whitney.

You never know what will make you famous ;)

Have an awesome day!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Let the blogging begin...

Well, I'm officially part of the blogging world. That's a little weird to me.  And to be completely honest, I find that I'm feeling totally stupid. But, I think going out on a ledge is a good thing.  So here we go!!

I guess I could start by maybe explaining why in the world I decided to even start a blog. Some people start one because they got married and want relatives to be able to know whats going on, others have some important topic to discuss, others have kids on missions... but here are my reasons.

1. I love the movie Julie and Julia and ever since then, I've wanted to create a blog.  Well not about cooking, but just to feel like she did.

2. I don't ever write in a journal because my hand gets tired, my handwriting starts to get sloppy, etc. So maybe if I'm typing I'll have more luck than writing on paper.

3. In some of my spare time I get online searching for random blogs to see what fun ideas other people have.  Like for instance I love getting online, and searching for new outfit ideas.  I know that sounds goofy, but I do it! I also love looking at great crafts so that my brainstorming will begin.  So, I have decided that I will post both my great outfit ideas (for super super cheap) and any good craft ideas I have.  Maybe other people will benefit from this too!

I said that I want other people to benefit from this if they can... who knows if anyone will read this... but I know the most profound things in life that I have been when someone was expressing themself.  People usually say things inorder to make themselves feel better.  What they usually don't know, is how much they are helping the people around them.

Call me crazy, but I feel like this will only end good. I don't think that anything terrible will come from throwing some thoughts out into the cyber world. But, I guess you never know... time will tell. Maybe I'll help someone with some little thing... but maybe I'll only help further the creation of who I want to be.